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Kendrion contact
Head Office
Kendrion N.V.
Vesta Building - 5th floor
Herikerbergweg 213
1101 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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Bistable Rotary Solenoids of the PDM series

Patented design that combines short switching times, high holding torque and damped operation.

The bistable rotary solenoids of the Kendrion PDM series are extremely fast switching rotating magnets for the optimum performance of demanding sorting and actuating tasks. With a speed of less than 10 ms, letters, banknotes or parcels can be sorted extremely fast and in the correct position. The high rotational speed is achieved by reversing the polarity of the rotary solenoid. The safe end position is realized by a permanent magnet. The so called "Polarised Rotary Solenoids" (PDM) are used in automation and logistcs as a cost-saving alternative to pneumatics or motor solutions due to their energy efficiency.

The Bistable Rotary Solenoid is protected by a solid aluminum housing. The insulation class is IP50; an increase to IP65 is possible using additional housing. The nominal voltage is 24 or 48 Volt; the torque is 1 Ncm to 1 Nm. The end positions are fixed with holding torque of up to 1 Nm. Depending on the application, a rotation angle of up to 60° can be realized. Hall sensors can be used as an option to check whether the magnet has reached the start or end position.

The PDM line convinces by high reliability. Thanks to the permanent magnetic holding (bistable rotary solenoid), the ball bearing and the integrated damping our fast switches easily accomplish 100 million switching cycles.

Bistable Rotary Solenoids

Both end positions of the magnet are held by the rotor with a high holding torque.

Monostable Rotary Solenoid

Only one end position is held. This allows the solenoid to operate both "clockwise" and "counterclockwise."

Customer-specific adaptations

Due to the modular design of the PDM rotary solenoid series, customer adaptations and customized solutions are easy to implement.



Benefits at a glance

  • High holding torques (up to 1 Nm)
  • Long service life (> 100 million switching cycles)
  • Robust design
  • Short switching times (10 - 20 ms)
  • Quiet operation

Technical Data

Alternative specifications on request

Type Diameter Supply Voltage Power Rotation angle Switching time Currentless holding torque
PDM050 (bistable) 50mm 24-48V DC 60-100W max. 40° 10-20ms bis 0.15 Nm
PDM050 (monostable) 50mm 24-48V DC 60-100W max. 30° ca. 20ms bis 0.4 Nm
PDM060 (bistable) 60mm 24-48V DC 96-120W max. 30° 10-20ms bis 0.9 Nm
PDM080 (bistable) 80mm 24-48V DC 84W max. 40° ca. 20ms bis 1.0 Nm

The functionality of the rotary magnet series PDM


Brochures and Flyers
Flyer | Bistable Rotary Solenoid of the PDM series
pdf - 374 KB
Brochures and Flyers
Technical Explainations | Electromagnets & Actuators
pdf - 2 MB
Industrial Actuators and Controls
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