Drive with linear oscillating movement
The KENDRION Electromagnetic Linear Oscillator OLV is an AC vibratory drive with magnetic bias in a robust design. The force of an alternating electromagnetic field produces a linear oscillating movement.
The KENDRION Electromagnetic Linear Oscillator OLV is an AC vibratory drive with magnetic bias in a robust design. The force of an alternating electromagnetic field produces a linear oscillating movement.
The linear oscillator of the OLV series is used in many automated processes. For example, the oscillating solenoid OLV shakes paper for correct alignment in the printing industry. In the packaging industry, when filling cans, the linear vibrator is responsible for the task of compacting. Another example is bunker and container vibrating in many different industries.
The linear vibrator is a closed design consisting of a magnetic body that has two excitation coils and a permanent magnet in the center. The armature is held in a spherical bearing on both sides. A non-magnetic shaft, held by two springs in the center position, guides the armature. If an alternating voltage is applied to the excitation winding, the force effect of the alternating electromagnetic field superimposes the force effect of the permanent magnet and generates a linear oscillating movement. The frequency of the axial armature movement corresponds to the frequency of the applied voltage. Reverberation is prevented due to the integrated permanent magnet, which has a braking effect when switched off.
With extra weight usable as shaker solenoid
Kendrion’s Linear Vibrators impress with their robust and closed design and their wide range of use. They can be used as vibratory drives with the ability to be also used as a shaker solenoids with the addition of extra weight to the armature shaft.

Field of application
Oscillating Solenoids in Industrial Automation & Safety
Oscillating solenoids are used in automation for the automated and orderly supply of bulk material. Metered feeding and a continuous material flow are only some of the key points that the electromagnetic solutions of Kendrion in feeding technology have to cope with.
Oscillating Solenoids from Kendrion also enable the separation of the material to be conveyed in the correct position.